The data via China Steel Association indicated that as follow: earlier this month, the crude steel output in domestic key enterprises are still rising

Author:yisainuo Time:2013/11/20

The latest statistics from CISA show that, earlier this month the crude steel output from domestic key enterprises is 1,762,700 tons, which is of 59,400 tons increment , and rise by 3.49% than previous quarter. The national forecast crude steel output is 2,144,200 tons, that is an increase of 45,800 ton, and the rise rate is 2.18%.


In addition, it is estimated that during earlier this month, the crude steel output from domestic non-key enterprises is 1,762,700 tons, with 13,600 tons decrement. Meanwhile the data show that the inventory of key steel enterprises is 12.926 million tons, which is of 49,600 tons increment, rise up 0.39 percent

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